The Virgin WHORE

Published on 18 August 2022 at 15:40

Why are the wild women always seen as a wolf to sheep?

The names people have called me for expressing myself creatively, passionately and sexually is outstanding. I've been called a whore, slut, witch, but the worst of all is when people say because my art is so revealing and sensual, I shouldn't be surprised if I attract men who only want me for sex. [Wild right *rolls eyes like a true virgo*]

People even dare to say that because I am so openminded, I've had sex with every stranger I ever encountered. So many times during my celibacy people would say "Why don't you have sex, you can get laid anytime you want". Honestly what the fuck is wrong with people?!! Why is a woman expressing herself always seen as a threat?

In this article I'll explain why women, who tap into their divine femininity, all through out history are seen as the epitome of all evil. 

In ancient times people believed women held the ultimate power. Femininity has all elements; water, earth, wind, and fire. A woman who accepts, embraces, and knows how to handle her divine, possessed an extreme amount of power. Because of this women were honored, f.e. Gods and sacred mothers like; Inanna, Isis, Ishtar, Oshun, Kore, Aphrodite, Maryam (Maria).

They all have one thing in common, they are seen as goddess and pioneers of society for their vulnerability, sensuality, sexuality, spirituality and love. Unfortunately being negatively portrayed or idolised. 

It's starts with the story of all creation, Lilith the first human, first wife to Adam was cast away because she didn't represent the image of a good wife. Can you image a man breaking up with you because you didn't become a doormat. Like he didn't fall for you when you were still the barking bitch that protected the property. Now all of the sudden you are too loud and too aggressive. I think every assertive women, queer or straight, has experienced this phenomenon in any stage of life.

Lilith is now queen of hell and mother of withes and demons, in the bible she was cast to hell. God must have been tired of creating new wives for Adam and let Eve her "misbehavior" slide. But maybe the problem was never the women, maybe it was fragile masculinity all along.

Maryam (Mary) was never portrayed as assertive or a woman since she was only 14. But people still found it in their heart to call her a whore for becoming with child before she was married. Not knowing she carried Jesus, son of their God. 

Later on after millennia, Christians are now praising her for being their virgin mother. 

Medusa who became very assertive after the Greek "gods" raped her, was never the monster they labeled her to be. It is believed she was black and her head of snakes was actually a head of beautiful locs. Talk about the "angry black woman" narrative. 

She was so beautiful, that women instantly became jealous and men became of stone when coming across her beauty. Thus the myth of her turning anyone into stone if they looked into her eyes. 

The negative narrative was structured by patriarchal values that uphold the power and heroism of men, and diminishing the value of women. 

Unfortunately women and queer folx were taught to only connect femininity to female youth and is disempowered from all other elements it holds. A woman who hasn't been sexually penetrated is seen as a maiden in religious books, centering female youth to virginity. 

It references to innocence, weakness and ignorance of ones body, and submission to the male gaze. Patriarchy is the root of this problem, toxic masculinity has oppressed the divine feminine in everyone.

Mothers are supposed to gift their children a part of their femininity, so when they grow up, they possess of the divine feminine. However, if these mothers were subjugated, their sexual development could never have happened. Unemancipated, this energy could not have been passed on to following generations. Every person needs their femininity to be one with their center, because we all have an innocent, optimistic inner child. 

Mother Mary and baby Jesus

To accept yourself completely, especially as a woman, you need to embrace your inner child. But when the world tells you to dim your light and hold your peace, you stay conflicted with your center and are unable to develop into a loving human being.

And that is exactly what the patriarchy intended, to strip others from their strength so white, male supremacists remain in power. 

Only, being a virgin actually means being an empowered and sexually liberated woman. She always puts herself first, is not married, property to a man and chooses her sexual endeavors consciously.

After the second feminist wave, women became providers. Having their own bank accounts and not needing permission to use any kind of birth control. After centuries they realized they could choose between needing and wanting a man, but neither making them less than. In fact, women apprehended their value and dignity were not depending on the likes of men. 

That is the definition of a true virgin, the woman we call a WHORE. The ones that know they do not belong to any man, whether it be their father or romantic partner. She who chooses chastity, is still very capable of expressing her divine femininity. To be sexually liberated does not entail being sexually active, it means knowing, accepting and celebrating the hungry wolf resting inside of you.

We should all strive to conjure our inner virgin, our inner Goddess. The one men are so afraid of, the whore they are so intimidated by and the girl they want to disempower because she threatens to expose the fragile masculinity.

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